I am so broody at the moment! Everywhere I look I see pregnant ladies and babies. I would love to be pregnant again. To feel another life growing inside of me and to watch my body change. Despite the title of this post, I would even love to have another baby. Just one problem though…I definitely, absolutley do not want another child!



Now I have written that down and said it out loud it sounds a bit strange, maybe even a bit silly but that’s how I feel.

I really enjoyed being pregnant. I think it suited me. I adore babies too. I would love to have another another one (not the actual birth bit although maybe I would get that bit right this time). I enjoy them when they are first born, when they are tiny. When they really need you. Those gorgeous newborn snuggles, little legs tucked right up under their armpits, their teeny tiny clothes, that smell. You know that whole bit that just goes far too quickly. Blink and you miss it! What I would give to have that bit again.

But then they grow up and become children. Little people with their own voices and opinions.  They need their bottoms and noses wiping, need teaching how to behave. They answer back, stomp their feet, think you know nothing and don’t always listen or do what you want them to. Whilst watching your child or children grow and change is exciting and amazing too, its not quite the same as those magical early days.

I love all three of my girls. They are all very different but they all agree we don’t need another baby in this house. Our family is perfect just the way it is. Another one would change it again, complicate it. Especially as over the next year we know things will settle down. They always do the year after the youngest child turns 3.

On top of that twins run in our family but so far have skipped this generation. Whilst I would have been delighted to have twins the first, even second time round, now it would be too much. I don’t think I could cope with 5 children.

So despite feeling extremely broody we are not going to try for another baby. We are happy just as we are. I think I will just have to rely on friends to let me enjoy some of their newborn cuddles.

So to all of you pregnant ladies and Mums of tiny ones, try not to worry about whether you are doing everything right or dwell on thoughts of whether you will ever get a full nights sleep again (you will). Just relax and enjoy those precious moments.

Karen x