This months homelife post is a little different to last months. Back in August we were having an amazing sunny holiday in the Algarve (check out last months post here) but come September, Mummy is really unwell and Daddy has to go away for a few weeks! Eeeekk! Yes two very different months!

The girls had been behaving like caged animals after being in all day yesterday so we knew we had to get them out. Having been struck down with the flu last week (the kind when you can’t get out of bed) followed by a whole load of after symptoms too, I fancied a little walk but knew I couldn’t manage far. So off to Daddy’s work it was. Its very close by and they have the most amazing conker trees which nobody else is interested in! The girls were in their element.

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We filled their old halloween buckets and then they spent the rest of the day counting them, putting them in piles and making shapes with them. They left some out for the squirrels in the garden and even raided the recycling to make some sort of squirrel den complete with conker treats too. I love their imaginations! Hours of fun so Mummy could literally lie on the sofa and rest.

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Daddy then cooked a delicious roast dinner for them all (not me as can still barely eat) and cleaned up too. What a star! But then he had to leave us. He’s off doing back to back courses over the next two weeks but back for the weekend in between so that\s good.


After that it was literally more conker fun, playing in the garden, bath, tea and bed! I just about managed to get it all done but recognise the fact that I haven’t been the best Mummy ever over the past few weeks!

I hope I feel better quickly and that nobody else gets it. I was a bit worried last night because Poppy had ear ache and Daisy was all hot and sweaty but all ok this morning!


Hope you all had a better day than me and do join in.


Karen x