Over the past 6 weeks a horrible, horrible flu type virus has swept over our little family, knocking us out one by one. Usually so healthy I managed to resist it at first but resistance was futile and by the 5th week it took me too. Not nice!
Run down, sleep deprived and exhausted I feel as though I have aged dramatically in the past few months. My Dad may have even mentioned the word “haggard” when he saw me recently….mmmmm not liking that description but looking at this recent photo a pretty accurate one.
Something needs to be done and quickly too so Operation Yummy Mummy has commenced.
I'm not just talking about beautifying myself, no I need much more than that. I need miles more energy; to lose this grumpy mood that has attached itself to me and more than anything, I need my mojo back – I've lost it and can't find it anywhere. Please return if found.
Having three children under the age of 5 has sent me a little loopy, crazy, close to the edge actually I don't know how to describe it but the past 6 months haven't been easy and I'm worn out. I don't think I'm depressed but I am very tired & grumpy. I'm definitely not my usual happy, bubbly self.
Today I started with Step 1 – Making Myself Feel Prettier. I had my hair cut & coloured for the first time since August and had a quick file & polish too. My nails are so short at the moment but this made me feel better and the hair in particular has given me bit of a boost. I feel a bit more like me again and it feels good (well a start at least).
Over the next few weeks I am going to:
- Make sure I start taking my vitamins again including my iron tablets (I'm still anaemic but baby brain made me stop/ forget to take them).
- Eat well. Being veggy I don't always eat the same as the family. I always make them lovely healthy meals but often forget about myself. On top of that Daisy suffers from reflux and im still feeding – fruit and vegetables really upset her so my diet is seriously bland, boring and lacking. I need to sort this out! We have a GP appointment booked for this week to see if they can help.
- Start exercising again. I haven't had the energy to start but know when I do I will have buckets more of the stuff. I just need to do it.
- Listen to my slimpods again. They will help me lose the pounds that have crept back on recently
but they will also help me relax, chill out and sleep better.
- Concentrate on getting Daisy's routine back on track. Illness has messed it up and she has developed some bad habits too – like not sleeping though the night again and waking after tiny naps
We are going to sort it out though.
Surely if I stick to all of this I will feel happy and healthy again. Important with three little ones to look after as well as my sanity.
Watch this space!
Karen x