The very lovely Liska from over at New Mum Online has awarded me a Pay It Forward award, very exciting so thanks Liska. I feel very privileged! If you have not checked out her blog yet you should, its brilliant!
The rules are as follows:
1. Put the award badge at the top of your post
2. Refer to the lovely blogger who awarded it, and then for the hard bit….
3. Pass it on to 5 others…hard because there are so many fantastic blogs out there and some of my favoruites are the ones Liska has picked! How on earth do I pick only five??
Anyway here goes, I hope I don’t offend anyone because they are not on my list!!
So in no particular order my five nominations are for:
1. Not Yet A Yummy Mummy
2. Mummy Daddy And Me Makes Three
3. Mummy…Mummy…Mum!!!
4. Working London Mummy
5. Jessies Crazy Kitchen
These are all fantastic bloggers and you should check them out for yourselves if you have not already.
Karen x