We love arts and crafts in this house and while we might not be the most gifted in this area, we try our best. Every Thursday afternoon, Poppy(aged 3 1/2) and I enjoy some quality Mummy/ Poppy time where we have a go at making all sorts. We were therefore thrilled to be given the opportunity to try the new Cubby Kit.
In case you haven’t heard about these, they are a kind of craft equivalent of a veggy box. Each month a box is delivered to your door with all sorts of arts and crafts ideas and materials needed to make your creations. As well as getting crafty, you will also be fuelling their imagination and getting scientific too.
Poppy was really excited when ours arrived addressed to her:
Inside you will find everything you need to get crafty right down to scissors and crayons if required. Each activity has its own brown paper envelope with everything you need so its easy to find and get organised.
This month had an Outer Space theme and Poppy couldn’t wait to make these mushy Martians.
Whoops…. what did we do wrong? The mix was green but once we added the flour they faded. I think they look more like potatoes than Martians. I have a feeling its something we did rather than our Cubby Kit. I didn’t have any more green food colouring in either or I might have been able to rescue them.
First we had to make our own play dough which we have been meaning to try to do but have not got around to doing. It was so easy to do, we will definitely make it more often. Everything we needed was included, from the flour to the wiggly eyes.
Poppy had great fun and even though they didn’t look quite right, she was happy enough.
I was surprised to hear that she wanted to get on and try the next activity straight away too… her attention span is usually short lived but I let her. We therefore went on to make this super cool 3D rocket picture:
There is still plenty more left for us to do and I am looking forward to seeing how she gets on with the rest of it.
This is a brilliant idea and we would recommend to you all.
Karen x