Yesterday our snow arrived and today we finally got our snow day. Yippee! I must admit I was rather relieved as I had a bit of a scare driving to pick the girls up from school yesterday. All was okay until I was driving into the snow. It was freezing as it hit the windscreen and I could barely see. Anyway, I was very happy to all stay home today.
Of course being a snow day meant we had to go out and play in it. It was freezing and I wasn’t expecting the girls to last long but they did ok. They loved it:
The snow was different to the stuff we got at Christmas time. Last time it was icy and hard. This time it was soft and fluffy. Definitely made to play in:
We took the sledge and everyone took it in turns pulling. It’s great now they are a bit older, they don’t want me to do it all the time:
Of course there were snow angels, running and jumping too. We stayed until our toes got too cold:
It will be a shame to see it go when it does but for today it was fun. Lots of fun:
Of course we had to come back for hot chocolates and later we may even have made snow ice cream but that’s a whole other post.
Karen x
Kim Carberry
March 2, 2018 at 10:00 pm (7 years ago)It looks like the girls had fantastic fun in the snow…
I like the sound of the snow ice cream x
March 3, 2018 at 9:22 am (7 years ago)H tried getting a hot chocolate last night, but I pointed out it was too late and near to bedtime after sledging – I need to get some Ovaltine in or something 🙂
Looks like you had a fun time – H was at school and I had to work so we could only cram in late afternoons here.
March 3, 2018 at 11:14 am (7 years ago)I am not ready for the snow to go, but it is raining here and disappearing fast…….at least we have the memories 🙂
Mary @ Over 40 and a Mum to One
March 3, 2018 at 2:45 pm (7 years ago)Looks like you’ve had lots of fun, we had a snow day yesterday too but didn’t really get any proper snow until late yesterday afternoon #CountryKids
Coombe Mill
March 3, 2018 at 3:54 pm (7 years ago)We had 3 snow days here in Cornwall, we’re so unprepared for snow even the mention of the word can get school to close. It’s great to see the girls happily playing together in the snow, it creates a sort of peace that means siblings get along so much better doesn’t it? The smiles and rosy noses prove that the girls had a fantastic time even though they were cold.
Thanks for linking up with me on #CountryKids.
michelle twin mum
March 3, 2018 at 11:44 pm (7 years ago)I was really happy to stay home in the snow with the kids too. We forgot to do snow angels though, your pictures reminded me! Mich x #countrykids
March 4, 2018 at 11:07 pm (7 years ago)What gorgeous winter wear. It’s so lovely having fun snow days!
Karen | TwoTinyHands
March 5, 2018 at 2:08 am (7 years ago)Looks like loads of fun! I can see the advantages of older kids in the snow. Mine are too little still. We only got a sprinkle of snow here that was gone as soon as it came! I’ve really enjoyed seeing it throughout my feeds!! #countrykids
Karen (Stopping At Two)
March 7, 2018 at 2:45 pm (7 years ago)Looks like they had lots of fun! I did enjoy the fact that we had a decent amount as my girls were really excited by it, but now the sun is shining and it has all melted away, I am not missing it at al!
Sara | mumturnedmom
March 7, 2018 at 4:40 pm (7 years ago)So glad to see you managed to make the most of it and that the girls enjoyed the snow! And, it really made me smile to see your snow ice cream 🙂 #countrykids
Louise (Little Hearts, Big Love)
March 7, 2018 at 8:41 pm (7 years ago)Looks like your girls had lots of fun in the snow. Snow is much nicer when you don’t have to go anywhere in it – it must have been quite scary when it made it difficult to see while out and about. We made snow ice-cream too! 🙂 #countrykids