Kew Gardens is one of those places I’ve always fancied going but have never got around to, until last weekend that was.
It might not have been the sunniest of days or the prettiest time of year but that didn’t matter. 5 cousins, 2 Sisters and 2 Brothers-In-Law meant a great day was enjoyed by all.
I would have loved to get a photo of all 5 children lined up but it wasn’t to be. This was the best I could do whilst they stopped for a snack:
Highlights included the tree top walk, the play park, the pretty crocus walk and rolling down the hills in the rose gardens:
Oh and flasks of hot chocolates with mini marshmallows courtesy of my lovely sister.
We took lots of video too but haven’t cited it yet so will post soon soon:

Karen x
Coombe Mill
March 7, 2015 at 2:45 pm (10 years ago)So long since I have visited but I do remember it is full of beauty. I love the look of all the cousins together, they look like they are having a wonderful time, far too much fun to stop and pose, just how it should be at their age. Thank you for sharing with me on Country Kids.
Gemma Stevens
March 7, 2015 at 9:54 pm (10 years ago)Kew gardens is a gorgeous place and it looks like everyone had so much fun all together.
Michelle Twin Mum
March 8, 2015 at 11:35 pm (10 years ago)We’ve never ot round to going to Kew Gardens but I’ve always fancied it, looks like you had lots of fun. Mich x