Moving around in the forces isn't always as stressful as this move has been. You get to live in exciting new places you wouldn't otherwise have done and you get to meet lots of lovely people along the way too.
Saying goodbye is always hard even more so now the girls are growing up and building friendships of their own. This time we've had to say goodbye to a very special friend and her two gorgeous girls, who we will all really, really miss.
Luckily my Parents live really close to here so we know we will be back soon. Therefore it's not really goodbye, it's just see you soon. A saying the girls have desperately clung on to.
As a leaving present Sarah very kindly made the big girls Frozen inspired tutus which the girls adore and want to wear everyday:
They are so soft and pretty – perfect for dancing and twirling in. All four girls had great fun doing a mini fairy photo shoot for us. It was a bit tricky to photograph four giggly, excited fairies but here you go.
Instead of tears these fairy friends enjoyed smiles, giggles and plenty of twirling and bubbles:
The big girls love their frozen tshirts but Sarah and I prefer the white tshirt look:
Four little fairies saying goodbye their way:
Lots of fun.
If you want to try to make one of these gorgeous supersoft tutus yourself Sarah has a very easy to follow tutorial over on her blog Loving Life With The Little Ones. Definitely worth checking out.
Thanks again Sarah. We will all really miss you. Apparently fairies don't say goodbye just “see you soon” and we really will.
Karen x
Loving life with little ones
September 1, 2014 at 8:40 pm (11 years ago)Aww Karen are you really trying to make me cry! What a lovely lovely post, thank you soooo much. We are already missing you! x
Would like to be
September 14, 2014 at 8:31 pm (10 years ago)Aaahh we miss you too and those skirts really are gorgeous xx