Back in September Rosie started in her gyms Developmental Squad. Basically she’s been identified as having the potential to make it to one of the competitive squads in the future but first needs to increase her hours training, build up her strength/ stamina and develop her skills further. Together with Junior Tumbling, she now trains for four and a half hours a week split into three one and a half hour sessions.

To be honest I did have some concerns, this is Rosie we are talking about. The one who had glandular fever last year and my one who struggles with tiredness and fatigue. However, the difference in her is truly AMAZING. She is a different child. She is stronger and fitter than I’ve ever known her. Taking both the increase in gymnastics and the jump to Year 5 in her stride.
In fact she is feeling so good, she has even joined her Schools Cross Country Team. Rosie used to hate running! That’s a whole other post coming soon though.
Not only is Rosie fitter and healthier than ever before , she is also so much more confident in and out of the gym. Achieving her goals and mastering new skills like a flic means she is oozing confidence. She has decided she wants to try for the Grammar Test to get into the same school as big Sister Poppy. She’s not nervous about the extra work and tutor sessions, instead she is quite excited about the whole challenge and has no doubts she will make it.

It’s hard to believe that it was only 15 months ago, at 8 years old that Rosie started gymnastics. Previously she had done ballet, tap and modern dance but gave it all up when we moved. She had just recovered from glandular fever when she began taking part in weekly Saturday afternoon gymnastics classes. Roll on 6 months and she had been accepted into junior tumbling. During the summer she entered her first club competition and won a gold medal for her age bracket. A month later she was asked to join the squad.
These days she makes juggling school, homework, extra tuition and all the gymnastics look easy. In fact, when she is relaxing at home she’s usually outside on the trampoline flipping backwards and forwards non stop. She’s taught herself so many new moves and can’t wait until half terms tumbling camp to show her coaches she’s finally mastered the round off flic!

I am so pleased for my daughter. She is such a lovely, kind, caring and happy girl, it’s and absolute pleasure to see her in such a good place. At the moment I’m excited about seeing her perform along with her sisters in their big Christmas Show but I must admit I’m really looking forward to seeing where this takes her and what happens next.

Watch this space.
karen x
Sarah Humphreysh
October 18, 2019 at 1:10 pm (5 years ago)Fantastic news that Rosie is doing so well xx