With three little girls (one of which is a dirt magnet and one of whom is a few weeks old) that’s a lot of pretty little dresses and a lot of washing! They also all suffer from eczema as do I. So imagine how thrilled I was to be offered the chance to test and review the ecoegg – a new way of washing your clothes without powder or liquid which is also kind to sensitive skin.
When the parcel arrived I felt as though a fairy had waved her magic wand. I received both the soft cotton one (which should last for approximately 54 washes) and the one with a hint of spring blossom – perfect for this girly family as its pink and smells lovely. Husband was also pretty impressed as the pack included enough refills to last for approximately 720 washes -that is around three years of washing for the average family. Amazing!
keen to get going my Husband took over (he never usually shows an interest in the washing) and quickly filled the egg with the relevant pellets (so easy to do). We also put the washing machine through a hot cycle to give it a good clean out first as per instructions. You then just fill the machine as usual and place the egg on the top.
New babies are mucky business and these eggs have therefore been tested on clothes soiled by baby pooh, baby sick and breast milk as well as the usual dirt found on clothes belonging to children aged 2 and 4 eg mud, food etc. I was tempted to use some pictures but didn’t think you really needed to see a dirty baby grow caused by leaky nappy!
I have been using the ecoegg for approximately a month now and have been very impressed with the results. They clean just as well as the leading brands I usually buy but they are even easier to use. They are definitely less messy. On very stained clothes I would still use stain remover as I would have previously or I would need to wash twice but other than that all my washing has come out perfectly clean.
Whether you use fabric softener or not is up to you but I do still like to use it on my clothes. Clothes do come out clean and soft without it but they don’t really smell of much and I am a sucker for that softener scent. That’s just personal choice though, you really don’t need it.
As for the eczema – there have been no flair ups in this house. I am always weary of trying new washing products but this is very gentle.
I must admit I cannot fault the ecoegg and have been converted. I will not be going out and buying anything else and when it runs out (in around 3 years time) I would buy it again. Kind to skin, to the environment and to our pocket what is there not to like?
Have you tried them yet?
For more information or to buy check out http://www.ecoegg.com. They have also brought out new tumble dryer eggs which look equally as good and I cant wait try.
Karen x
For the record I was sent these products for the purpose of review but all words and opinions are my own.