A few weeks ago we were asked to review easyblinds newest blind. I was very keen as at 7 months Daisy wouldn’t nap longer than 30-40 minutes.
Both of us sleep deprived: she was tired and irritable and I was going crazy, not getting a break. For some reason I had never put a black out blind in her room, her Sisters have always had them so I’m not sure why not.
When the package arrived we were very impressed. A very large white blind was inside along with suckers, magic velcro and easy to follow instructions:

The blind is apparently the same as their previous ones but what we were testing really was the new Velcro strips.
You could leave the blind as is or cut to size. We chose the latter as Daisy really needed a blind. As she only has a small window there is still plenty left to take way with us. We could also use Velcro to stick the two pieces back together again if required.
Husband put it up whilst I watched with Daisy in my arms and took photos. He just cut the Velcro to size, peeled back the sticky tape and stuck to the window. It was that simple.
Husbands opinion “so easy even a monkey could do it”! Ok so slight exaggeration but I must admit it looked super easy to me.
Next he put the suckers on and then was ready to put the blind up. The blind has a lightly furry feeling on one side and it’s this side that sticks to the Velcro and suckers……and then there was darkness! It really was that quick and that easy!
Husband is not easily impressed but thought this very simple idea was genius. I too think its very easy to use but what about the little lady herself?
Well Daisy seems to like it too. She has started on some medication for relux so I cant relate it all to her blind but im sure it plays a huge part. She is sleeping through the night again and even napping longer too.
I still have to settle her around the 45 minute mark (hopefully not for much longer) but she’s going back to sleep for another sleep cycle. She’s now napping for around 1 1/2 hours twice a day, making such a difference to her, to me, in fact to the whole family!
The main difference is on those occasions when Daisy falls asleep on the way back from the school run in the morning. In the past she would wake as she entered the house and nothing would get her back off again. Nowadays she’s fast asleep again, in her cot within 10 minutes. I’m sure its because its darker.
Thank you easyblind, you have changed our life! I would say black out blinds for little ones are essential and these ones are fantastic.
Watch out for exciting new colours and tie backs too.
Karen x
March 24, 2013 at 8:42 am (12 years ago)We have something similar and I thought it was great as well. x