Wow girls, you are growing up so quickly its unbelievable. I thought I would write one last letter to you before we have another Sister and I am writing to the three of you. I dont want to forget all the little things that you have been up to before the new baby arrives.
Poppy – You just turned four today and suddenly seem much more grown up. I cant believe you are starting School properly in September but you are ready for it and have been for a while. We have been to your School several times and you really like it. You have met and like your new teacher and some of the other children too and I have no worries you will settle in.
You seem to have taken the move in your stride and love the new house and garden. You are always telling me how much you like it here which is great news. You have also adapted really well into sharing a room with your little Sister even if she does wake you up a bit earlier than usual.
Despite seemingly adapting to all these changes really well, you have been playing up a bit lately. You have been throwing proper tantrums which you have never really done before and are really quite embarrassing. I think its to do with waiting for the new baby to arrive, you are always telling me you are “bored of waiting now”. I guess Mummy doesn’t have as much energy to play with you as usual but I don’t let you get away with it.
Your reading is coming on now and you are trying to read everything, I have also noticed a difference in your drawings and how you colour in the lines. You really are growing up and getting more able.
All in all you are a happy content little girl most of the time but have been a bit of a monster at times over the past few weeks.
Rosie – You just turned two a few weeks ago and you surprise me with how able you are at your age. You are a bit of a gymnast, you love to climb and can even do forward rolls which your Sister cant do every time. You can count to 5 and then say 8,9,10,11, you know all your colours and can string whole sentences together.
You too have tantrums though which are pretty spectacular. You have spent lots of time on the naughty cushion recently as you have been a bit of a monster. I am sure its because I am fed up waiting for this baby to arrive and you and Poppy are picking up on it but nevertheless its not good.
You are a very affectionate little thing though and love cuddles and kisses. Your favourite activity is too snuggle in for a cuddle and story. However, recently you are wanting to spend more and more time doing creative things like paining and play dough.You will sit for ages engaged in what you are doing.
You have now decided you don’t need to wear a nappy to bed any more and have done surprisingly well. There have only been a few accidents so I am very proud of you.
You are loving sharing a room with your big Sister and your new big girls bed. You look so tiny i it as you take up hardly any room.
I love both you girls very much and am keen to make sure that neither of you miss out too much when the new baby arrives. It will be hard splitting my time but I will do everything I can to make sure neither of you feel left out.
Lots of love and kisses
Jenny Paulin
July 25, 2012 at 8:59 pm (13 years ago)awww what a lovely letter Karin! they both seem such pretty and thoughtful girl with such spirit and fun in them! happy 4th birthday Poppy i hope she has had a wonderful day.
they will make brilliant big sisters xx
would like to be ayummy mummy
July 26, 2012 at 2:48 pm (13 years ago)Thank you soo much. They are cuties even if they have been little monkeys recently.I guess we are all just ready for this baby to make an appearance xx