You girls are both growing up far too quickly and changing all the time so I love writing these letters to you. Its my way of recording memories, of not forgetting the little individuals you are becoming and of making you realise how very much you are both loved.

Poppy at almost four now you really are a bit of a character. All day you run, dance, sing and talk…in fact you find being quiet impossible. You have recently got into playing games on my laptop but I dont let you do it for too long. You have  made up this routine though, where after playing you do some exercise.  You get me to shout out instrctions like run up and down the hallway four times or do ten star jumps and you happily do it.

You love baking and anything crafty still and you are really trying hard to read. At the moment you are also eating really well too.

Now your Sister is getting  a little bit older and able to play better with you, you love it. You can be quite patient with her and love playing games like chase, hide and seek and egg and spoon runs!

You keep telling me you cant wait for the baby to arrive and how you are going to help me lots. You are apparently going to give her lots of cuddles and kisses and share your toys nicely.

We are due to move soon and you are handling it pretty well, You keep talking about the new house and new school and dont seem to be nervous at all. Fingers crossed it stays this way.

You are a very affectionate little girl who loves hugs and kisses and daddy and I love it. We are very proud of the gorgeous little girl you are turning in to.

Rosie at 22 months you have changed soo much. I cannot believe you are almosot two!

Your favourite thing at the moment is to dress up. You are always found wearing dressing up clothes, tutus and fairy wings. We have to check you before you go out as chances are you will have something else on under your outfit. We always joke that you might have a job in fashion when you are older.

Daddy has just had a few weeks off and cannot believe the way your speech is coming on. You talk non stop now and can string along about 4 words. You also understand everything we say. Today you came out with “Daddys Work” pointing to where he works then you followed it with “my Daddy works there”. You also point continuously at things telling us what they are.

You are trying really hard to count but usually come out with “1,2,3,8,9,10,11” not quite right but pretty good for your age we think. Today you told me you had three books for story time and you did! You are a clever little thing and we are very proud of you too.

You don’t really have temper tantrums as such but you do shout “that’s not fair” and stamp your feet already. You have got that off your Sister and I have to try really hard not to smile because you look pretty cute doing it.

You have also started to tell me when Poppy does things …all I hear all day is “Poppy push”, “Poppy not share”, “my turn, my turn”. You are a bit of a monkey.

You are starting to understand we are having a new baby I think. I have been reading books to you and you have started to kiss my tummy and say “hello baby”. It is very sweet and makes my heart melt. You have also decided that you are too big now for things like a high chair so say the baby can have them.

You are both growing up so quickly that I am loving recording everything in these letters for when you are older.

Sisters are really special and I hope you continue to be as lovely towards each other and that you will get on just as well with your new Sister.

Love always

Mummy x