We really should paint a big X on the door to this house! The lurgy has continued this week with Daisy and I being pretty poorly…that's a whole month now. At least we've all had it now though, so hopefully we can get back to being healthy again.

Despite feeling rubbish I've done my best to get the girls out, we've made cakes and played jigsaws. The best day was Wednesday when we caught up with friends, the worst was Thursday when I was so ill I couldn't get up.


56. “Loving Sisters DS” – I wasn't feeling great but Rosie enjoyed some quiet time with her Sisters toy

57. “Giggling Girl” – Despite being poorly Daisy was very giggly today

58. “Fizz Pop Science Club” – Poppy's being staying to after School Science club and had great fun playing with her experiment today

59. “My Sweet Girl” – I didn't take any pictures today as was really really ill. Picked one of my faves of Daisy this week though. She's 7 months now!

60. “Muffin time” – the girls and I made heart shaped blueberry muffins after School today

61. “Fun Outside” – the girls were giggling and racing up and down the street with the other little ones today. Very cute 🙂


My favourite picture this week was 55. “Bubble Fun” – Poppy had been to a party on Sunday morning and had bubbles in her goody bag. We had great fun with them. Even Daisy loved them:



Looking forward to seeing all your snaps too.



Karen x