It's been a bit of a mixed week in his house. It started off well with the girls feeling better and brighter warmer days but ended in Daisy and I catching the terrible bug. That's 3 weeks worth of illness in this house…roll on Summer!!

Daisy had a few terrible nights where she needed to be upright and I ended up sitting up all night with her. I was then lucky enough to get Friday night off when I went to my Mum and Dads for a whole nights sleep. Husband looked after all the girls….heaven!




48. “Please Daddy” – A trip to Toysrus and Poppy jumped on her favourite toy there.

49. “Right at home” – Daisy sleeps in her own room but she made herself right at home in my bed this morning 🙂

50.”Biked to School” – Rosie managed to bike all the way to School and back, that's 20 minutes away!

52. “Scooter fun” – we spent lots of time outside today.

53. “Stay & Play” – the girls had great fun playing with shaving foam in Poppys class today. Every Friday is Stay & play where we get to see what she's been up to all week.

54. “Ballet Days” – having missed 2 weeks due to sickness, the girls were thrilled to get back to their lessons today.


My favourite this week though is number 51. ” Look At Me” – Poppy's been practising really hard on her bike this week. We've been out lost every day after School:




Hope it's been a good week In your house.


Karen x