I'm pleased to say this week had been much better. It's not been perfect but the girls are on the mend, Daddy has come home and everything is just that little bit better.


Sunday – Day 335 “Cheated With Two”



Monday – Day 336 “Forgotten Table Manners



Tuesday – Day 337 “Sharing The Laptop”



Wednesday – Day 338 “New Pyjamas”




Thursday – Day 339 “Colouring On Paper”



Friday – Day 340 “Daddy's Home”



Saturday – Day 341 “Strike A Pose”




Sunday – Day 335 “Cheated With Two”

I couldn't decide between two photos I took today so cheated. My Dad was still here to help me out. I made us all a roast dinner and Dad took the big girls out to the park whilst I did it. Later Poppy insisted on washing up (bless her). It was also 1 Dec so that meant chocolate Advent Callenders much to the girls delight.

Monday – Day 336 “Forgotten Table Manners”

My girls were thrilled when I gave them cake with their fruit after school. They both did full day at school after having a week off and were exhausted. I enjoyed the break and went Christmas shopping with Mum which was fun. We had lunch out but Daisy had a reaction to something she ate.

Tuesday – Day 337 “Sharing The Laptop”

Rosie had to have a flu spray thing and when we got to the Doctors discovered due was due boosters too. Poor thing wasn't happy. When they got back Poppy happily shared the laptop with her to cheer her up…sweet. It then went downhill though and they turned into nightmare children to the extent I felt really tearful 🙁 faced timed husband to try and distract them.

Wednesday – Day 338 “New Pyjamas”

A quiet day. Daisy was happy with her new pyjamas tonight and I was even happier when I discovered at 7pm that Husband was on his way home. It was only for the night but it really cheered me up. The lift I needed.

Thursday – Day 339 “Colouring On Paper”

The girls were thrilled this morning when they woke up and saw Daddy was home. It was a lovely day and he didn't need to go back to work until 8pm. The good thing is though he will be back tomorrow or Saturday as it's the end of the exercise. Yeeehhh we've almost survived it! Worryingly though discovered Rosie is being picked on at School. I love this picture of her colouring on paper for a change

Friday – Day 340 “Daddy's Home”

A busy day. Spoke to Rosie's Teacher this morning who took me seriously and is going to talk to the girls Mum. After school Poppy went to Doctors. She's just not getting better. They are unsure if it's post viral and her body's just taking a while to recover or if she's brewing something else (please no!) The girls were supposed to be at extra ballet tonight but never made it. It was busy in the surgery tonight. When we got home Daddy was back. Perfect end to the day.

Saturday – Day 341 “Strike A Pose”

Saturdays are always ballet and tap days. They live it and can't stop dancing/ performing. Shame I didn't get their feet in this picture. This afternoon we made homemade playdough. Lots of fun.

Hope you've all had a lovely week. Will pop over to check out your pics.


Karen x