Husbands away again this week and we are all feeling it. The girls have been super sensitive crying at every little thing. However, last night Rosie was diagnosed with slapped cheek syndrome so think it's been likely that's it's been brewing and that's why they've been out of sorts 🙁
I have been playing with them lots though, inside and out, trying to make them smile and keep them happy. Here's our week in photos:
Day 314 – ” sparkler fun”
Day 315 – ” Little Red Riding Hood”
Day 316 – “Bedtime Fun”
Day 317 – “Getting Excited About Christmas”
Day 318 – “Gramps Turned 60”
Day 319 – ” Girls Go Spotty”
Day 320 – “The Best Way To Travel”
Sunday – I used one of last nights photos of us enjoying sparklers in the garden. Today was a quiet day. Husband participated in a remembrance parade and then we had a quiet family afternoon as he was off away again tonight.
Monday – finally found a coat for little miss she likes. I have been searching for “a warm red one with no fluff” as per her request and until tonight had not found one we both liked. She loves it though and looks like little red riding hood. Poppy was very tearful today.
Tuesday – three very grouchy girls today. Daisy screamed all day, Rosie cried and Poppy was tearful. By this evening though I had cheered them all up and caught them on camera playing.
Wednesday – a lovely morning spent with a friend. We popped into a garden centre coffee shop and Daisy was thrilled to see it was all decorated for Christmas. Tonight I was dancing around the living room with all the girls helping Poppy learn her 5 times table.
Thursday – Today was my Dads 60th and as it was a week/ work day, he came to us for supper. After preschool Rosie made the cake. Then Poppy decorated it once she got home, a really lovely evening.
Friday – the girls wore spots to school today so we raided their wardrobes for everything spotty. This afternoon Rosie went downhill and by the evening had bright red cheeks and a swollen neck which was sore to touch. I panicked and rang the Doctor who was amazing and Mum rushed over to help me out. Think Poppy might be going down with it too. Terrible night with Rosie up every hour.
Saturday – girls all unwell so no ballet lessons today. Mum and dad came over and we went out for lunch. Mum then sent me off home with Dad for a whole nights rest whilst she stayed home with my girls. It's much appreciated as I have had broken sleep every night this week.
Hope you've had a good week, will pop over to see what you've been up to soon.
Karen x
November 16, 2013 at 9:18 pm (11 years ago)Beautiful photos from the week, I hope they enjoyed the sparklers. The girls loved them this year. We’ve noticed a lot of christmas displays appearing now.
Have a good week
November 16, 2013 at 9:35 pm (11 years ago)Great photo with the sparklers, sorry to hear they have been poorly, sadly it is that time of the year, I hope they get better soon
November 16, 2013 at 11:02 pm (11 years ago)poor Rosie having slapped cheek thats no fun 🙁
in the red riding hood photo she looks so much like her daddy there and the red really suits her.
Great sparkler capture
Daisy looks huge in the xmas decs photo – i love how she is all excited about xmas even though she does not realise what it is really!
happy belated birthday to your dad too xx
November 16, 2013 at 11:30 pm (11 years ago)The photo of the girls playing together on the bed is just magical
Coombe Mill (Fiona)
November 17, 2013 at 12:30 am (11 years ago)Your girls just look like best of friends
Erica Price
November 17, 2013 at 7:37 am (11 years ago)Hope they are all well soon. Sounds like they have all been under the weather. Love the shot on the bed.
November 17, 2013 at 10:25 am (11 years ago)That sparkler photo is amazing! Happy Birthday Gramps
November 18, 2013 at 11:06 pm (11 years ago)your sparkler pic is brilliant!! and love the picture of them all the bed. Looks like fun!
Sorry girls werent well..hope they are feeling better now