It's been a really busy half term this week. We've managed to get round to visit family, have had people to stay, we've even been to Legoland and it's been lots of fun.

Day 300 – “Bike rides & Rosy Cheeks”



Day 301 – “Can't Walk Down Kerbs”



Day 302 – “Peas In A Pod”



Day 303 – “Legoland Fun”



Day 304 – “Half Terms Are Exhausting”



Day 305 – “All The Cousins”



Day 306 – “Grandad brought kinder eggs”

(Photo coming tomorrow)



Sunday – A quiet day after our long journey yesterday. We did go out on the bikes for a bit of fresh air though.

Monday – Another quiet day with playing outside and in. Daisy fell a few times going up and down kerbs so resorted back to crawling.

Tuesday – Went down to see my Nana in Bognor Regis. She has recently moved into a new apartment so it was lovely to see where she lives. The girls were fidgety after being in the car for so long so took them to park where we had great fun finding squirrels and playing in the park. Tonight we headed over to Windsor and stayed in a Premier Inn.

Wednesday – Our day at Legoland was a bit of a mixed day as Rosie was very whiny and a bit of a nightmare to be honest. She improved in the afternoon so it wasn't all bad!

Thursday – My Sister in law came to stay with her two girls. A very relaxed day and so lovely to see them all. The girls all played beautifully together. We didn't do a huge amount as all the girls were very tired but we did take the bikes and scooters out.

Friday – A lovely morning with all the girls. I actually cheated and used one of husbands pictures as he borrowed my camer. Cute though. Tonight Husbands Dad came to stay and I went out for my first girls night out in ages. It was so nice.

Saturday – A lovely day spent with my Mum and the girls whilst Husband and both Dads went on a boys day/ night out. Poppy went to a party dressed as Ariel from little mermaid and all the girls enjoyed spending some time with their Grandad. Tonight was spent catching up on blogging and X Factor.

I think we need to calm down and relax a bit now. Hope you've all had a good week too.

Karen x