What a lovely sunny week it has been. We started off with a beautiful family day in the bluebell woods, have had my Nana visiting and have even been to the Circus….lots of fun! We have been playing outside everyday after School until tea time and then again untill bath time and have all been healthy too…yeeehhh!




154. “Cuddles With Nana B” – My lovely Nana has come to stay for a few weeks with my parents so we are getting to see lots of her. Daisy enjoyed lots of cuddles today!

155. “A Sunny Day” – A lovely sunny day spent in the garden. We even had friends over which was lovely.

156. “Rolling In Buttercups & Daisies” – the girls had great fun playing after School today. They especially enjoyed rolling in buttercups & giggling away.

157. “First Painting” – Thursdays are our busy mornings with a lovely toddler group followed by Tumble Tots. Today Daisy did her first ever painting and loved it 🙂

158. “Loving The Long Grass” – this morning my Nana and Mum came over then this afternoon we enjoyed more outdoors play. Daisy really enjoyed being barefoot in the long grass (it really needs a cut). Lots of fun & giggles were heard.

159. “Circus Fun” – We were planning to visit Tewksbury today and were excited to see a Circus was on this weekend only. Poppy has been learning about the Circus at School so was extra excited. We took my parents & Nana which was lovely and ended the day with yummy barbecue at Mum and Dads. A lovely day!


My favourite this week though is this one:


Day 153. “Blowing Dandelions” – I took this photo at the start of our bluebell walk last Sunday. Such a beautiful day.

Hope you've all had a good week too!

Karen x