Well I've survived a week of being a single Mum to three children. I must admit it was hard work but the sunny weather really helped. We've been outside everyday and the girls have loved it.

There has been parties, the usual groups, picnics, playing in the garden and even a go in our friends paddling pool. It was hard picking photos I can tell you.



125. “Matching Dresses & Bubbles” – the girls went to a birthday party in a ball park in the morning. Afraid I might lose one I dressed them all in matching dresses. This afternoon we lazed around in the garden enjoying the sunshine & played with bubbles.

126. “Never Too Old To Bounce” – Nanny & Gramps popped round this afternoon & helped with bath & bed times. Gramps helped tire them out after tea too. Such fun!

127. “Sunshine Means Pretty Dresses” – we are loving the sunny weather especially as it means the gorgeous dresses can come out.

128. “Kisses Before Naptine” – Aaahhh this made my heart melt! It was a quiet day today and Rosie decided to play lovely with her baby Sister.

130. “Goldilocks & The 3 Bears” – Rosie and I played lots today. Here she is acting out her favourite book.

131, “Party Time” – the girls went to a birthday party today so I dressed them up in cute dresses. I thought Poppy looked very pretty in this picture.


But my favourite photo this week is this one of my lovely husband and our baby girl, number 129. “Daddy Snuggles”:



Husband came home last night after a week away and didnt want to go into work this morning. Here he is with Daisy enjoying a little cuddle before he had to rush off.

Hope you've all had a lovely week too.

Karen x