It's been a really good week in this house. A bit of sunshine has made us all happier. We've been out in the sunshine lots, playing with bubbles, scooters and bikes, we've planted flowers and ended with a trip to Butlins.




111. “Planting Fun” – The girls had great fun planting flowers with Mummy today.

112. “Blowing Bubbles To little Sis” – Daisy idolises Poppy and was thrilled when she blew her some bubbles today.

113. “Big Girls Do Maths” – Poppy was really excited about bring able to add up tricky maths problems and asked me to set her some. She did them all no problems despite being only 4!

114. “Clapping At Bubbles” – Rosie played lovely with her Sister today even blowing her bubbles. Daisy loved them & clapped excitedly.

115. “Shaving Foam Mess” – Rosie had great fun doing messy play at a toddler group this morning. At Tumble Tots straight after she told everyone she smelt nice.

116. “Excited about Butlins” – Even Daisy had picked up on all the excitement about going to Butlins for the Ambassadors weekend.

But best of all is this one:





Number 117. “Skyline Gang Costumes” – As you can imagine we are taking 100s of photos this weekend (which I will post separately) but I love this one. The girls spent their spending money on costumes so they can wear then whilst watching their favourite characters. Too cute.

Hope you're all having a lovely week too.

Karen x