Oh my goodness! You know what they say about children being quiet are often up to mischief?
Well a few days ago we were visiting friends and he proudly showed off his gorgeous new goldfish Stripey. Daisy was mesmerised but came away from the tank when told to.
We were all sat outside chatting in the sun but Daisy wanted to sit inside playing. We could see her from where we were though and she was being as good as gold so we were happy….
But then she went quiet and disappeared from view.
I told my friend she can be trouble and quiet isn’t good so we quickly popped back inside to see what she was up to. She was kneeling up next to the fish tank with her sleeves wet up to her elbows and a look on her face which said “it wasn’t me”!
Oh and the goldfish was floating!
I felt sick! What had she done to it? Had she poked it, taken it out of its tank? Did she just scare it? We couldn’t tell. I felt awful. What sort of person would she turn into?
That night I had a chat to her and she told me she had scooped the little fish up in her two hands to have a look at it. She liked him and just wanted to see him closely. Then she thought he might like to go In his cave (an empty coconut shell). She looked at him in his shell, apparently he liked her and then she put him back in his tank. He pooed (which she thought was very funny) and then he just floated. Honestly I felt terrible but I was reassured that it was an accident, that she hadn’t meant to do it.
Of course we took a brand new fish around the very next day but it didn’t stop me feeling bad.
Have your children ever done anything like this? What did you do?
Karen x
Sarah MumofThree World
August 19, 2015 at 5:20 am (10 years ago)Oh my goodness, what a nightmare! My kids have never done anything like this, but you can see how it would be a simple mistake for her – she wouldn’t have realised you’re not supposed to hold fish like you do with other pets 🙁
Would Like to Be
August 25, 2015 at 2:32 pm (10 years ago)She was devestated when I told her the fish was dead. It was a horrible experience x