It's been a much better week in this house. Apart from Rosie vomiting all over me on Wednesday evening and Husband feeling bit rough at the start and end of the week, we've all been healthier.

Daisy finally has a diagnoses of reflux & medicine which has helped dramatically so life is less noisy and less chaotic too.

Its ben quite busy really, we've been to the usual toddler groups & ballet lessons, been helping raise money for Red Nose Day and had fun playing inside and out.

Well all was good until I crashed the car today…..whoops!





69. “Mothers Day” – I was a lucky Mummy to get two lovely hand made cards and breakfast in bed.

70. “First Cup Of Tea” – Poppy was cold but didn't want warm milk so I gave her her first cup of tea. She quite liked it!

71. “Fun In The Garden” – Although it was a bit chilly the girls wanted to play in the garden this afternoon.

72. “Growing Up” – Little Daisy is growing up far too fast. I wish she wold slow down!

73. “Raising Money” – To help raise money for Red Nose Day Rosie decorated cup cakes, had her face painted & painted red pictures.

74. “Little Red Noses” – Having forgotten to pick Poppy up a red nose I decided to paint one on with red lipstick. She loved it and Rosie had to have one too.

I've realised I've taken mostly pictures of the big girls this week so will have to change that next week. In the mean time my favourite picture this week is 75. “Sisters Can Play Nicely”:




They mostly squabble recently so it was nice to catch a glimpse of the girls paying nicely together.

Hope you've all enjoyed a happy, healthy week.


TheBoyandMe's 365 Linky


Karen x