Its been one of those days today when no amount of touche eclat could cover the dark circles under my eyes.  A few weeks of broken sleep have caught up on me.  I am hoping that tonight is the night when things get back to normal and my girls sleep through the night.  An early night is the plan for me.

We went and had lunch with a friend today.  That was lovely.  Could not believe how much my girls ate though.  They are little eating machines. Even Rosie who has only been eating for a month enjoyed a feast.  

I am loving making all her food.  At the moment we have lots of little pots in the fridge and freezer of sweet potato with orange; broccoli, peas and pear etc and I am having great fun making new recipes.  

I don’t think Rosie will be on the puree stage for long though.  She is happiest with chunks of bread or cheese and slices of peach, mango, blueberries or raspberries.  The only thing she has turned her nose up at was butternut squash! But what she really wants is anything her sister has.  Today she was eying up the yogurt coated  raisins and was not happy when I told her she was too young for them.  Her little mouth was moving away as if to say “mmmm delicious, I could eat them!”

Its been six days now since I first started blogging and I am really getting into it.  The only thing is every time something happens I think “that will be great for my blog”, or “that would be a good title”.   I think I might start to drive my friends and family mad soon.  I have started looking at the other Mummy’s blogs too.  They make for good reading and its reassuring to see most Mums are not perfect!