So Daisy has reached 7 months and has finally been diagnosed with reflux. This has meant medication for her which has had an immediate effect and a complete change in my baby girl! She is such a happy girl….oh and she sleeps so much better too yeeehhh!!
Ok so why has it taken so long. Well, I have always known that Daisy was a windy, uncomfortable baby. I blogged about it a few times. I had mentioned it to the Health Visitor and different Gps at different appointments but no one seemed concerned, after all she was thriving.
She was baby number 3 so I knew babies digestive systems took a while to settle. I managed it at home. I found comfortable positions, used massage and patting, propped her cot up, carried her in the Moby wrap and fed her fennel tea. I also watched what I ate as I was breastfeeding. I had no idea it was reflux, I knew it wasn't colic (Poppy had had that) and thought she would grow out of it.
It was a tough few months. In between the bouts of screaming/ crying and projectile vomit we could see glimpses of a very cute, happy baby, especially around the 5-6 month old period. Having always preferred being upright I was then able to sit her in the Bumbo after feeding, she would burp and vomit all over herself. I would then change her and she would be happy again. Problem solved…. But then we started weaning and it all got worse again.
Sleeping has been a nightmare! We have tried to follow the same routine we used with her Sisters and Daisy was obviously tired around the appropriate times but it hasn't been straightforward. I spent the majority of nap times up and down like a yoyo trying to settle her so not great for her, for Rosie who had to amuse herself and no break for me ether.
The worst period for Daisy was after the late feed. It didn't matter if I dream fed her asleep or awake or if I left her to wake by herself. She would then be really uncomfortable and windy for hours. She would sleep upright on us but as soon as you laid her down she would scream !! Recently this would often go on until around 2-4am. Not great when I have to get up for School run & have 3 little girls to organise/ look after.
So Daisy has been in pain, the older girls have missed out on attention and I have been sleep deprived and driven a little crazy. My Sister recently suggested it looked like reflux (both her boys suffered from it) and after a really good chat with a lovely Doctor, she agreed.
The results have been amazing. Daisy is so much more settled! She is seeping though the night too and me….well I feel much less crazy, in fact with proper sleep I feel as though I can handle anything.
Now we have to look at introducing foods back into both our diets, I'm a little worried but will keep you posted.
Karen x
March 18, 2013 at 12:02 pm (12 years ago)that must have been a tough few months – hopefully the medication will now work & keep her more settled, fingers crossed for you x
would like to be ayummy mummy
March 19, 2013 at 8:23 pm (12 years ago)Thank you, at least we know there’s a reason for it all. I should have pushed a bit more but wasn’t thinking straight really. She’s such a apply little thing thing now though xx
March 18, 2013 at 7:57 pm (12 years ago)Oh bless you, it sounds like things have been really tough. And I’m so pleased to hear that you seem to have had a breakthrough. Fingers crossed that she can stay that happy little girl from now on. x
would like to be ayummy mummy
March 19, 2013 at 8:25 pm (12 years ago)Thanks Lucy. She was so happy when not in pain, now she’s happy all the time…magic medicine x
May 10, 2013 at 12:06 am (12 years ago)Oh how hard for you all 🙁
I would love for you to share this at the Friday Baby Shower – we are bringing together a collection of posts on new baby health that can help other mums who are going through the same experiences, Alice @ Mums Make Lists
Alice Emma Thompson
May 10, 2013 at 12:07 am (12 years ago)Oh how hard for you all 🙁
I would love for you to share this at the – we are bringing together a collection of posts on new baby health that can help other mums who are going through the same experiences, Alice @ Mums Make Lists