Dear gorgeous girl,
I really can't believe how quickly you are growing. The past seven months have flown by. You have just slotted into this family and our little family is now complete.
You are such a happy little girl whose smiles and giggles light up the room. Now you have some magic medicine you are so much more more content, no more trapped wind, wriggling and squirming for you, you are like a different baby.
It's been a busy month for you learning lots of new things: you sit up really well now which means you can play with all the toys. We think you are like one of those Weeble's though. You wobble when you get tired and try to stay up. It's quite funny to watch. You get upset when you do fall back though so we prop pillows up around you.
Your Sisters love it now you can sit up. I love watching them with you, they are pretty gentle most of the time. Rosie in particular loves building you towers to knock down and you squeal with delight each time you do it. It's very sweet.
Best of all though you can say Mamma and Dadda now. You actually said Mamma first which was pretty special as the other girls both said Dadda first. It really makes me smile each time I hear it.
In some ways it feels as though you have always been part of this family whilst at others it feels only 2 minutes since I was pregnant. It's scary. I want to wrap you up and keep you tiny but know you will be running around before I know it.
This is you this month.

I love you sweetheart.
Mummy x
April 1, 2013 at 7:22 pm (12 years ago)Awww a gorgeous girl indeed. That 7 months has gone quick! I’m glad you have some medicine to help with her reflux x
would like to be ayummy mummy
April 4, 2013 at 9:14 pm (12 years ago)Thank you, it’s amazing how quickly our little ones are growing x