If I think back to summers as a child I have very fond memories of playing outside with the hosepipe and sprinkler. I can still see myself running around with my sister and friends, the shrieks of delight when getting others wet and the squeals of shock when it was my turn.

We haven’t got around to replacing our paddling pool (and we haven’t had a hosepipe ban yet) so a few weeks ago we got the tubs and hosepipe out. The girls had so much fun it was wonderful. Of course I couldn’t resist getting the camera out for a little while before jumping right in and joining in.

It started off with buckets – bright pink ones of course:

They didn’t even miss the paddling pool, they just enjoyed getting wet:

Of course the water was splashed and tipped everywhere to make muddy puddles:

Then the hose came out (just for a while). I thought the younger girls might be scared or hate it but they thought it was hilarious. Especially when Mummy got soaked:

A perfect opportunity to work together and play together – my gorgeous little busy team:

Hope you’ve all been enjoying the subshine too.


Karen x