Last weekend was absolutely beautiful and on Sunday the big girls were invited to a birthday party at Cattle Country. Husband was away so my Dad kindly stayed at home with Daisy as it was during her nap time, whilst Mum and I took Poppy and Rosie. Afterall it was Mothers Day so good to spend some time together.

The girls had a fabulous time running around with all their friends. There was climbing, play parks, bouncy pillows as well as the animals and a maze. Apart from the birthday meal, they spent the rest of the time outside and it was wonderful:

Last time we went Rosie was so much smaller, this time she was not only bigger but much more able too. It was lovely to see her confidence grow as she ran around playing with the others.We ended up staying on after the party with a few of the others which was an added bonus. As it was such a beautiful day we didn’t want to leave:

Mum and I together with one of the other Mums enjoyed a little rest and chat in a deck chair whilst watching the children play “at the beach”. The covered sandpit area us a fabulous idea for parents and children:

Even Mum ended up on the huge slide on her tummy as encouraged by Rosie:

We can’t wait to go back again with a picnic, Daddy and Daisy soon.

Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall

Karen x

1 Comment on Country Kids – The Birthday One

  1. Loving life with little ones
    April 5, 2014 at 3:46 pm (11 years ago)

    Looks like you had fun, We haven’t been there for ages, will go back this summer though!


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