It's been a miserable month with virus after virus but the one thing guaranteed to make my girls smile is playing outside.
They haven't had much energy and haven't been up for big adventures but just wrapping up warm and heading out to play in the garden or at the park cheers them up for a little while.
Another thing they enjoy is hot chocolate to warm them up…yummy!
Let's hope they are feeling 100% better soon.
Karen x
Tas D
December 7, 2013 at 9:57 pm (11 years ago)Aww hope they feel better soon – they do look very snug in their outdoor gear though 🙂
would like to be ayummy mummy
December 10, 2013 at 10:19 pm (11 years ago)Nothing like warm coats and hats to make you feel cozy x
December 7, 2013 at 10:21 pm (11 years ago)Poppy looks so grown up now and so tall! Fresh air and rosy cheeks are a great tonic for illness and probably cheered them (and you) up no end . Love their wam coats and hats x x
would like to be ayummy mummy
December 10, 2013 at 10:18 pm (11 years ago)It’s hard to believe she is only 5 1/2 . She is very tall and very grown up xx
Sara (@mumturnedmom)
December 7, 2013 at 10:46 pm (11 years ago)You’re so right that even just a quick play in the garden or trip to the park can make all the difference. Hope the girls are all feeling better soon. #CountryKids
would like to be ayummy mummy
December 10, 2013 at 10:16 pm (11 years ago)Thank you. Everyone’s better now thanks 🙂
Coombe Mill (Fiona)
December 8, 2013 at 10:47 am (11 years ago)Sometimes a little fresh air can help when they are getting better – let’s hope they are 100% soon. Thanks for linking up and sharing with Country Kids.
would like to be ayummy mummy
December 10, 2013 at 10:15 pm (11 years ago)I’d have them outside everyday but they’ve just had no energy. It didn’t help that our boiler broke too and they were happiest cuddled under duvets in the one warm room. Making up for it now though and we are back to trips to the park x
sabrina montagnoli
December 8, 2013 at 5:21 pm (11 years ago)Hope you all get better soon. A bit of fresh air is always good to make you feel a bit fresher. They all have such beautiful smiles!
would like to be ayummy mummy
December 10, 2013 at 10:14 pm (11 years ago)Aaahh thank you 🙂
December 9, 2013 at 6:57 am (11 years ago)Hope you all feel better too. There seems to be a lot going round
would like to be ayummy mummy
December 10, 2013 at 10:14 pm (11 years ago)Pitney are all much getter thanks. There’s been loads of it around 🙁