It's week four of my training programme and I am feeling good!

I'm out running three times a week now, twice a week straight after the school run with the running buggy and then a longer one alone at the weekend. I can comfortably run 6K now which means another 4K is starting to feel much more achievable.

I want to do more, go further or run daily but I don't want to injure myself so I'm sticking to the programme. I'm beginning to feel as though I really can do this though. Maybe it wasn't such a mad idea afterall.

It's lucky I have been enjoying getting back out there again as there's no backing out now. My place is booked and I have been fully kitted out by Race For Life. With a tshirt, hat and water bottle there's no stopping me. I've been provided with information on eating well, loads of goodies from The Food Doctor and even some gorgeous lush products for achy muscles too. Check out this amazing race pack I was sent:


I'm starting to notice subtle changes in my body now. Whilst not yet bikini ready I am actually feeling tighter and slightly more toned. Definitley less wobbley anyway. I'm also inspiring other Mums at the school gates to start running which is an added bonus.

If I can do this then you can too. Feeling inspired? Then come and join me. There's 5k and 10k races all over the Country, find your closest one here.

If you do sign up feel free to use the code RFLYum to save yourself £2 off the entrance fee. Go on you can do it!

Karen x