Last weekend on a little walk around Claremont Landscape Garden, surrounded by the cutest baby ducklings and goslings, it hit me just how grown up my baby has become and how independent all three of my girls are these days. Time really has flown by and whilst its wonderful to see them all turn into little ladies, it leaves me with a bittersweet feeling too:


“Follow me family” called Daisy as she led the way. “Come on, keep up” she shouted to her big Sisters who were lagging behind:


We arrived at the play park where she has always headed straight for the climbing wall but needed a little helping hand. Not last weekend though, “look Mummy, I’ve not got little legs anymore, i’ve grown! I don’t need your help, I can do it all by myself now”.


Ouch another stab to the heart, “I don’t need your help anymore” is becoming a common theme. She’s growing up and is going to school in September. They really don’t stay babies for long. Big Sisters love it that she is more capable and can do things they can though. Encouraging her all the way:



They all had fun in the natural play area and running up and down the hills but to be honest it was colder than expected and no-one (except for Daisy) was up for a full blown afternoon out. Before setting out it was bright, sunny and warm but just as we arrived a big black cloud appeared over the whole area. We didn’t even have coats…whoops! Luckily it didn’t rain though and it was good to get out for a bit:

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The girls were delighted to see all the ducks, black swans, geese and babies. They love this time of year. It’s as though the geese like to parade their baby goslings in front of you. They come quite close but if you approach them they let you know not to get any closer. Luckily the girls were very sensible and didn’t upset them meaning we managed to get some lovely photos:

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A truly lovely way to spend an hour or two even on a grey day. Luckily we are National Trust members so get to go as often as we want. In the Summer you could easily spend the day there with a picnic but sometimes it’s just nice to go for a little walk somewhere quiet with no cars or bikes around, allowing the children a bit of freedom to run and play:


As always linking in with the wonderful Country Kids.


Karen x