Wow where does the time go…another week and another great product to share with you. For those of you who are just joining in or have noticed this for the first time, this is a relatively new blog hop. I am on the look out for beauty products/ tips, fashion accessories and relevant events that […]
Good bloggers Pay It Forward: Blog Award
The very lovely Liska from over at New Mum Online has awarded me a Pay It Forward award, very exciting so thanks Liska. I feel very privileged! If you have not checked out her blog yet you should, its brilliant! The rules are as follows:1. Put the award badge at the top of your post2. Refer […]
Mummy has stopped breastfeeding
Dear Rosie, You are a cheeky little monkey and since growing your first four new tiny, teeth (all in one week) you have not stopped biting things, including Mummy. They are razor sharp and it is for this reason I have had to stop breastfeeding. I managed to do it for eleven months and for […]