This is not a sponsored post, we have just experienced good and bad customer service when ordering a new car seat and I wanted to share our experiences with you.Poppy is quite tall for a 3 year old. She is the size of the average 4 year old. Recently she has been looking a bit big for […]
MUMenTum – Week 15
Wow, week 15 already..I feel as though I should be super skinny by now but I am not. Okay here’s the confessions: Last week I had friends to stay, good friends I have not seen for ages. Of course this resulted in me drinking far too much wine (I don’t drink very often), eating too […]
Pretty Hair With A Bit Of Flair Review & Giveaway
As you may already know I love everything girly especially hair bows and ribbons for my little girls. Therefore I was delighted to be approached by Kraft Work Boutique to trial and review some of their new hair accessories. I didn’t really know what to expect but was thrilled to open up the package to […]