
Fresh air and improved moods

After an awful day yesterday, the ringing in my ears has died down and I decided a bit of fresh air would do my girls the world of good. So the doors have been thrown open today and we have been enjoying a bit of English sunshine on a crisp fresh day.  It started with […]

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Mummy wants to scream!!!!!!!

Normally I am very calm and not one of those Mum’s who shouts and screams at their children.  However, today I just want to put my fingers in my ears and scream… really loudly! Does this ever happen to you? It has been one of those days where the two of them have winged, or […]

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Ear defenders and Doctors bags!

The Husband was home this weekend.  He took one look at my pale white face and dark circles under my eyes, sent me off to bed and took over with the girls.  So with my huge Army issue ear defenders on (no I am not joking!!) I slept the weekend away.  Each time I got […]

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