As I have said before, I do not usually publish recipes but seeing as though it is National Vegetarian Week, I thought I would share some of the ones I cook at home. I am not an amazing cook, but I do like to have a go. Most of the stuff I make is very easy to prepare and […]
The Gallery – My Backyard
Due to my Husbands job we have to move roughly every two years. We do own a house ourselves but rent it out as houses are provided with his job each time we move. This post is about the backyard (or garden as we say here in the UK) of the house we live in […]
Vegetarian Week- Recipe 3
I m not normally one for posting recipes but this week is special. It is National Vegetarian week and being vegetarian myself I am doing my bit and posting a new recipe each night. These are all easy recipes I use myself. I wanted to show that you do not have to be a fantastic chef to cook meals for your family. I […]