Is it just me or are school shoes just not made like they used to be? School shoes are not cheap yet we are going through them at about a rate of a pair a term…its ridiculous. I wouldn’t mind if it was because they are growing out of them but that’s not the case […]
We’ve Been Tasting Easter Eggs
My girls love me more than ever right now. They think that Mummy and her blog are the best things in the whole wide world…..why? Well because we have been given the very important job to taste Easter Eggs from Asda this week: Now these girls don’t usually have much chocolate. They sometimes get kinder […]
Poorly Grumpy Children
This past week hasn’t been the easiest in my life as a parent. The girls have all had a bug, okay nothing unusual there. It was one of those cold flu ones: high temperature, cough and sore throat but no major symptoms except their mood. Oh my goodness I have known nothing like it ever […]