I am so proud of Rosie at the moment. She was amazing on our recent holiday and actually learnt to swim. Back in May she overcame her fear of putting her face in the water but since has been reluctant to remove her swim fin or attempt to swim without any aids. That all changed […]
Canoeing With Young Children
Now that the girls are growing up a bit more its getting easier to try new things with them. They all love being outdoors and are quite adventurous too, so jumped at the chance to go canoeing with us in France this Summer. We were staying in the Dordogne and it was definitely the thing to […]
Hiding Out In The Dordogne
We’ve just got back from an amazing 10 nights in the Dordogne and already we want to go on holiday again. There is something about being away on holiday that is really quite special but I’m not sure what exactly it is. Maybe its the whole discovering and exploring somewhere new or perhaps it’s the sunny […]