In my fluffy little world of pink there is no room for slimy green stuff. For four and a half years i've managed to get away with wiping “runny noses” and have never called it anything else. so imagine my horror when Rosie (aged 21/2) tells me she has something up her nose. I tell […]
251/366 – Sisters Love Cuddles
Rosie loves cuddles with Daisy. I just need to watch her when she has had enough though….she just let’s go. Karen x Posted with Blogsy
116/366 – Rosie’s Hat
Today Daddy, Rosie and I enjoyed a little trip out whilst Poppy was at Preschool (never been done before). Whilst out, Rosie found this gorgeous hat and decided she had to have it. Daddy couldn’t resist her smile and “please Daddy” so brought it for her. Karen x