I am so proud of Rosie at the moment. She was amazing on our recent holiday and actually learnt to swim. Back in May she overcame her fear of putting her face in the water but since has been reluctant to remove her swim fin or attempt to swim without any aids. That all changed […]
Rosie Turns Five
And so it begins. The birthday season is upon us and over the next 6 weeks each of my girls have their next birthdays. Today was Rosie’s turn. Today she turned 5. 5 seems such a big number when they are little. No longer babies or toddlers 5 is a proper little girl. In fact […]
Rosie starts school
After a very stressful Summer waiting to hear if Rosie had a school place she finally started today 🙂 On Tuesday she had a home visit and took to her Teachers straight away. She has been so excited and last night when I was tucking her in bed she gave me a great big […]