Before I start I must mention that this is not a sponsored post, it is just something that we use and love and would recommend to family and friends. In fact I would recommend it to anyone that listens. We brought ours as soon as Poppy progressed to a bed at 18 months. If you have never heard of them it is worth […]
Fairy’s, Photo’s and Special Gifts
As you may already know (I have blogged about it here and been on Twitter too), I have been fortunate enough to receive free fairy editing for my girls form the lovely Liz over at in return for my Girls being models on her Website. Well I have received my photo and I am absolutely thrilled with it. I am going to have […]
Review of Atkins Wheat and Rye Crackers
Having been doing a low carb diet for about three months I was starting to fancy something a bit more substantial for the occasional lunch or snack. I discovered these at at £1.99 for 10 and thought they looked quite good. When they arrived I thought “oh no what have I ordered?” they looked like they might taste like […]