Weve been asked to trial and review some mould and paint glitter eggs from Great Gizmos as an alternative for Easter presents. These are basically plaster fridge magnets and hanging ornaments which require moulding and painting. Everything you need is included within the kit: Blister mould 2 bags of plaster (enough for 4 hanging decorations) […]
Gorgeous and Protective Swimsuits From Babies In Sheep’s Clothing
As parents we all know the importance of protecting our children against the sun rays. Their delicate skin can burn five times more quickly than our own. I was therefore really excited to be asked to review some new Little Red Fish Swimwear from Babies in Sheep’s Clothing. I didn’t have any idea of what to expect. […]
Weetabix With Golden Syrup – Far Too Sweet For Us
Breakfast in our house like many houses is usually cereal and /or toast/fruit and I must admit the girls favourite has to be Weetabix. I was therefore quite excited to be asked to try out the new Golden Syrup flavoured one: It looks like regular Weetabix but is baked with golden syrup. Sounds delicious but naughty, I thought. Then […]