Floating onto our screens today is Cloudbabies, an enchanting new Pre-school series for Cbeebies. Poppy and Rosie were delighted to get a preview of the first episode, As soon as I downloaded it and switched it on, they heard the music and both came running over to the laptop. They stood in silence watching it with smiles […]
Lumilove Penguin Night light – Review and Giveaway
I have been really fortunate to have been sent the gorgeous Lumilove Penguin night light to review from Pabobo. They have also very generously, offered one of my readers the chance to win one of their own. This lovely penguin is available in three colour choices: pink, blue and taupe. It is very cute to look at, […]
Melba London – Maternity Wear To Make You Feel Yummy
At 29 weeks pregnant I have had a massive growth spurt and my bump has appeared out of nowhere. Clothes have started to become a bit tighter, especially night clothes and I am generally feeling a bit more uncomfortable. Then the lovely people from Melba London came to the rescue and sent me some new clothes to review. Well […]