
We’ve Been Nesting/Cleaning

This morning I was a women on a mission. I have been cleaning, scrubbing and tidying! I even took the table and chairs into the garden to be scrubbed down (I know I shouldn’t lift but I had an overwhelming urge to do it). I also got down on my hands and knees cleaning the […]

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31 Weeks – My Bump Diary

I am now 31 weeks pregnant and feeling pretty good, very pregnant but generally okay. My baby is now apparently the size of a pineapple and weighs approximately 2.5-3.8 pounds. Your baby weighs about 1.5kg and looks more than ever like a newborn. He measures about 41cm from crown to toe. His arms, legs and body continue […]

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Cravings In Pregnancy

So we have all heard that being pregnant can make you crave funny things, sometimes we may even use this as an excuse to eat things we want but I have heard about and had some seriously weird ones myself. With Poppy I craved raw potatoes, now I’m not talking about fancying a little bit […]

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