Okay, at 18 weeks pregnant my body is changing shape and I can tell I need to get measured for some new bras. They are fine during the day but by the evening they are starting to feel uncomfortable and I cant wait to get them off. In my past two pregnancies I wore the […]
Gender Prediction and Old Wives Tales
Keen to discover if this baby I am carrying is a little boy or girl I have been going through all the old wives tales to see if I can find out. Now I don’t really mind one way or the other, I just want to buy something in the relevant pink or blue. I […]
My Bump Diary – 17 Weeks
The weeks are whizzing past and I am now 17 weeks pregnant. My baby is now apparently the size of an onion: That is about 11 cm long and weighs about 140g. He or she is growing quickly. Their skeleton is still quite ruibbery but will be hardening up soon and they are developing sweat glands. I […]