Yeeehhh I am 20 weeks pregnant and therefore halfway through this pregnancy. Our baby is now the size of a cantaloupe melon so is growing daily. He or she now measures approx 26cm crown to heel and is steadily putting on weight as am I: Now covered in that slick, white coat of fatty substance called vernix […]
65/366 – My 20 Week Bump
Okay so now I am 20 weeks pregnant I appear to have suddenly grown a little bump. I must admit I dont’ usually look very pregnant at the start of the day but by the end, it looks like this: There is no getting away from it, there is a baby in there and tomorrow we might […]
Making Life Easier – The Sanamama Baby Carrier
I have recently been sent a baby carrier to trial and review and couldn’t wait to tell you all about it. Some of you may have read my post from earlier in the week about how I was struggling being 19 weeks pregnant and carrying my increasingly clingy little girl, up and down the hill on the […]