Children come in all different shapes and sizes: some walk quicker than others, while some talk quicker and some stay looking like babies for longer. I have two little girls who are very tall for their ages with lots of hair. Poppy is only 31/2 but looks about five and Rosie is as tall as […]
Toilet Training – End Of Week One
Its the end of the first week of toilet training with Rosie and I have to tell she she is doing very well. We have had no accidents for the past two days and she is very pleased with herself, telling anyone who will listen she is “a big girl”. For those of you that […]
Teething Nightmare and Suspected Measles
Poor little Rosie has not been well at all over the Christmas break. She went away a week and a half ago with 6 teeth but whilst away cut approximately another 6-8. She has had all the usual symptoms….throbbing mouth, temperature, grumpy, tearful, broken sleep, runny nose, a bit of a cough etc.. Then yesterday she developed […]