outdoors fun

outdoors fun

A Second Snow Day

With a decent amount of snow that lasted longer than a day, we just had to get out in it again. This time Daddy was home to join us. We decided to head up to Crickley Hill,Cheltenham. One of our favourite : As soon as we arrived we noticed that cars were having to park […]

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Snow Ice Cream

Today was a snow day and stuck for things to do I thought we should try making snow ice cream. Honestly if you haven’t  heard of it before, snow ice cream really is a thing. Look it up as there are so many recipients. Vanilla, chocolate, strawberry, coconut…the list is endless: Our cupboards were a […]

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Fun In The Snow

Yesterday our snow arrived and today we finally got our snow day. Yippee! I must admit I was rather relieved as I had a bit of a scare driving to pick the girls up from school yesterday. All was okay until I was driving into the snow. It was freezing as it hit the windscreen […]

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