Dear Rosie, You are very poorly at the moment and I don’t know what to do, I wish I could make you feel better. Last night you went downhill very quickly around tea time. You were so tired, off your food & milk, hot and bothered with a nasty cough. I put you to bed […]
Letters To My Girls
Dear Girls…..,
At 3 and a bit and 16 months you girls are growing up so fast, I felt I ought to record a few things that you are doing at the moment before I forget. Poppy – you have come on in leaps and bounds since starting Preschool and are thriving. I am told that you are doing […]
Dear Poppy x
Dear Poppy, Sometimes you really make me laugh. Yesterday we were on the phone to Gramps and he asked what you wanted for your birthday from Mummy and Daddy. You told him a bike. Then he asked what you wanted from him and Nanny and you told him an ipad!!…you are only two. We both […]