Dear Poppy, My gorgeous big girl. You are growing up so fast it scares me. Today I took these lovely pictures of you looking all relaxed and messy after a busy day at school and decided its about time I wrote you another letter to put with them. I am so proud of […]
Letters To My Girls
Daisy At 11 Months
Dear Daisy, You are such a gorgeous, happy little girl, it's such a pleasure and so easy being your Mummy. You have just slotted right in to this family and made us complete. I can barely remember life without you now. So happy and content, you smile and giggle all day long unless we say […]
Dear Rosie, You Are 3
Dear Rosie, It was your Birthday on Saturday and you were three. So grown up already. You really enjoyed being the centre of attention and had a lovely Birthday party in our garden. I made the cake, some of our relatives came and you got to invite your friends too. There was quite a few […]