I love joining in with this blog hop. It always makes me feel good and I could do with a bit of cheerfulness now. This week it is being hosted over at Bod for tea another fantastic blog if you haven’t already discovered it. So why do I need cheering up? Well I have […]
Want To Be Yummy?
At the start of the year when I first started blogging, I was worn out, had no energy and looked a bit rough if I am completely honest! But something snapped and I decided this is not me or at least not the type of women or Mummy I want to be. I am not […]
Daddy Takes Photos
I mentioned at the weekend that Husband had got his camera out again and started taking photos of us all. He is a novice photographer who had taught himself. He loves his camera and is very protective of it. He spends time cleaning it and money on special lenses and filters, yet mostly keeps it […]